Friday 8 October 2010

The Polish approach to drifting...

First off, long time no blog... apologies for that! A combining factor of things has kept me away from my mac, but I'm back and looking once again for inspiring footage across the internet!

So I was hunting once again through the excellence of Vimeo, and I stumbled across another drifting video, but this one is very different to others I've talked about and shown you before, for one its from Poland!

It seems that there is quite a bit of money in drifting over there? Excuse my ignorance on the subject, I just don't know enough about it, however it just goes to show how big the drift movement is across the world!

What made this video stand out to me is the editing, I love the introduction to the cars, and the fact that it seems to all be taking place on closed off public streets! Very cool :D

Without further delay... on with the video!

Warsaw Night Drift from Moto Integrator on Vimeo.

I'd give these guys more credit if I could understand the descriptions under the video, sadly I can't speak Polish :( but if you do fancy checking out more stuff by this group then be sure to head to Vimeo and check out their other videos!

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