Saturday 6 November 2010

A little shoot of a Japanese monster

I blogged that picture earlier of me taking a shot of my friends Evo 6, and that made me think... how rude of me! I haven't actually properly shown you all the pictures from that shoot! 

Well anyway so as to make it up to you, here goes... 

He has what I can only describe to you as an absolutely beautiful Mitsubishi Evolution VI Tommi Makinen edition. 

The way this thing handles the road and the power it can put down is simply amazing! I am in awe of it every time I am lucky enough to get to go out in it... seriously if you've never had a go in one, then you definitely should make it your mission to try one out or at least have a ride in one! 

His one is pretty much standard, but has been kept to a very high level, it's running a dyno proven 300 odd bhp and handles beautifully. 

Spot the orange MR2 in the background ;) yep its the one from my earlier blog, more pics on that car to come in future blog posts :) 
So anyway back to the shoot, so I'd been planning to have a go at taking some shots of this gorgeous car for a while, and I started off by doing a bit of an intro to it, which is why there are all these photos of his Brembo brake calipers and Enkei alloys in this post. 

So anyway I put together a plan and then I organised for us all to go down to my brothers old farm and find a good spot for it so that I could try and do it justice! 

I really enjoyed doing this one, I hadn't had much luck with black cars in the past, but I just felt that I knew what result I wanted and went for it until I achieved it! Hells yeah :D 

Absolutely loved shooting this car, and I hope to do it again sometime soon!

I've really enjoyed sharing this little shoot with you, so I hope you have enjoyed checking out these photos!
If you want to look at the whole set, then feel free to head over here to my Flickr set ----> Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 6 Tommi Makinen

Now I'm nearly back on my feet (after the whole broken foot incident), and my new camera is nearly here... therefore it'll soon be time to get back to what I love and aim for greater heights! I mean if I don't believe myself and don't constantly strive to achieve more then I'll never succeed ;)  

Thank you for checking out this post!

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