Sunday 2 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Capturing the sun set., originally uploaded by Dan Fegent.

This is just a brief post to wish everyone a fantastic 2011!!!

I hope that everything you work and aim for is achieved and that your sights are set high for this new year! Make it happen :D

Well I was without a really "new years" type photo, so you've got one of my brother looking out into the sunset, I like it, like looking into the future :)

Just like a sunset, even though you know what will happen, and what you'd like to see, the results are more ofthen than not absolutely awe inspiringly beatiful, that's how I feel about it :D

I've got quite a lot of stuff planned for this coming year, so I really do hope to share all of it with you as it happens! Thank you for following me :)

So most importantly Happy New Year!

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