Monday 28 February 2011

A HDR approach to a Honda Civic...

Keeping in line with the HDR theme I've had going for the past few days, here is a shoot I did of a friends Honda Civic a few years back. 

He's only recently got rid of this car, was a shame to see it go but it was time to move on :) 

He rang me up one sunny day in 2009, asking if I could do some pics, the more practice I get the better I feel I get so I jumped at the chance! We headed up to this pretty awesome view point above Marlow on Thames & put something together :)

I did love the colour of this car, depending on how I photographed it, it could go from a deep purple to almost a blue, pretty cool! 

Right anyway that is waaaay too much HDR over the last few days, I'll see if I can find some other old work to share with you tomorrow :D

The rest of the pictures of this car can be found on my flickr here. (including non HDR ones ;)) 

Thanks for looking! 

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