Thursday 23 September 2010

Just over a year ago... it was JAE 2009!

I know, I know... I should be talking about this years JAE by now, I mean it has been 2 weeks....

My pictures from this year are already up on my flickr & on my website, so feel free to look them up, will blog them properly at some point soon :D

For now though I want to talk about last years show, so here we go... the Japanese Automobile Extravaganza (JAE for short), is a Japanese car show held over a weekend, and takes place once a year.

It is a static show, and is considered by most clubs to be a good end to the active show season by chilling out in a field, having a few drinks and firing up the BBQs.

In fact here is the SXOC car BBQ!

Clubs from all over the Uk come to JAE and it's a great place to catch up with old friends and put faces to names from club forums.

As per usual beer has a huge part to play in JAE :)

Still find this quite impressive, especially seeing as that spoiler has a tilt to it... some real engineers out there! 

One of the things I love about JAE is that its so chilled out, you often catch people either working on their cars or even tinkering with them via a laptop...

Another thing I love about the show is that as its over the weekend, you can get some fantastic sun set/evening shots of various cars too!

This year the event took place at Wickstead Park in Kettering, from the 11th of September until the 13th.
The large venue had plenty of facilities to cater for the show, and its participants.

It was the first year spent at the new venue of Wickstead Park, and it seemed to go quite well! Most UK clubs made an appearance, and there were some quality cars there!

At the time I was so pleased with the pictures I got from the wknd, the feedback was awesome from the various car clubs, so anyway displayed throughout this blog post are some of my favourite shots from last years JAE.

I noticed at last years show that a lot of cars had mascots, or funny stickers and so on, so I went around getting some shots of my favourite ones!

I thought this next one was pretty unlucky...

Back then I was still shooting and post processing the pics to look very desaturated, almost colorless in some photos, I was really liking that look and it seemed to be going down well among the cars owners.

Even found a crazy horn blasters setup :S scarily loud!!!

A few other favourites of mine, mostly detailed shots that I thought looked cool at the time in my minds eye :)

Oh and amongst all these cars, there was also my own! My Integra Type R, which at that point I had owned for a couple of months if that, this was pretty much before any of my blog posts on the car, so shows it as it was when I bought it.

All in all it was an awesome show that year, and a good sign of things to come at the new venue!

Anyway will blog the 2010 JAE soon.... in the meantime feel free to check out the pics at


  1. Dan! AMAZING SHOTS! I really enjoyed the vignetting and how crisp the shots came out! By the way, what lens did you use on this set?

  2. Thank you very much mate! Really appreciate that feedback!
    Really sorry for the late reply to your comment, I didn't actually know I had received a comment :S hehe.
    I mostly used my favourite lens for this set, which is my Sigma 10-20 :) But I think I also used a Tamron 28-75 2.8.

    Thanks again for the really cool feedback mate!
