Tuesday 19 October 2010

The Digital Revolution

Well I've managed to make a bit of a mess of myself... dropped some warehouse racking on my foot which has resulted in broken bones, lots of blood, and confinement to my room for a couple of weeks :( damn it! 

Taken this time to swap around some of my camera gear, sell off old stuff and get some new glass and a new camera body :) But anyway this blog isn't about me! (well not all of it hehe), its about inspiration, and about sharing some great finds with other people!

So in that spirit, and with a title taken from a discussion some people were having within his comment section on Vimeo, I present to you a member of the Digital Revolution :) 

A man by the name of Anders Bäckman, who I believe is from Sweden, and whose main website can be found here: http://www.stilism.se/

So I should probably now explain what I mean by the Digital Revolution, well DSLRS which can record film have opened up a whole new way for people to express themselves, people such as myself who before wouldn't have really touched film are now playing around using amazing glass to produce fantastic short films and videos! I love it! I honestly think its just going to get more and more popular, no longer is expressing ourselves something that only the "elite" can pursue, its now open to all and you can express yourself in millions of different ways... just like this blog really... and like I said just now, I love that :D

So anyway I should probably talk about Anders Bäckman a bit more :)

This was the first video of his that caught my attention, and even though its not on a DSLR its still fantastic and I was really impressed by his editing.

Gotland Ring from Anders Bäckman on Vimeo.

A weekend on a fantastic swedish racetrack. 
Shot with a Canon HF10 and no accessories.

But it isn't his car stuff that really caught my attention, as exciting as that it, it was actually this other film he had on his Vimeo account that made me sit back & simply go WOW! 

Now be prepared to love this, its just a really really lovely presentation of this guys life and I just find it heart warming and inspiring! Enjoy!

My summer from Anders Bäckman on Vimeo.

Made for my family and friends. 
I love you guys!

Shot with Canon EOS 500D / Digital Rebel T1i / Kiss X3 Digital.


Now I absolutely love that video for a few reasons, firstly because it just shows what can be achieved with the new range of DSLR that allow us to express ourselves in whole new ways, and secondly because I just love the fact he spent the time to put all that together and share it, I don't know what it is about that I really love exactly, but I think its just the togetherness of the whole thing. 

Thanks for checking it out and I hope it brightened up your day :) 

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