Saturday 9 October 2010

JAE 2010

Wasn't sure how I was going to find something worthy of a new blog post after that last lot of amazing videos I shared with you all. 

But, I thought it was about time I spoke about this years JAE.

To start you off with the pictures, here is one of my favourite Japanese cars of all time, and a true beast from the east!

So time to explain a little about JAE, the Japanese Automobile Extravaganza (JAE for short), is a Japanese car show held over a weekend, and takes place once a year.

The show brings some really special cars together, including this Veilside kitted wide body R32 GTR.

The show itself is a static show, and is considered by most clubs to be a good end to the active show season by chilling out in a field, having a few drinks and firing up the BBQs. No real planned events occur during the show, its simply a good place to chill out and talk car with like minded people, and most clubs have developed friendships within them that rival the most long lasting friendship.

Fensport Celica, a Gen 7 Toyota Celica with a Celica GT4 3sgte and AWD system, amazing!
Car clubs from all over the Uk & Europe come to JAE, and it's a great place to catch up with old friends and put faces to names from club forums.

This year saw the event take place once more at Wickstead Park in Kettering, from the 10th of September until the 12th. 

The large venue had once again plenty of facilities to cater for the show, and its participants. Including new facilities put in place since last years show. 

Having only recently got my 50D back after warranty work took place, and after recently switching to a mac for all my processing work, I thought it was time for a change of style to my post processing, maybe go after a different look...

So, I have taken a different approach to the editing & processing of my photos, everyones minds eye changes how it perceives things, so I can only say that these pictures and their processing reflects my current state of mind, wow deep huh :D

Gone are the de saturated almost dark photos of before, replaced by what you see before you now :) 

The sky was definitely on my side that day! I love it when a sky is full of clouds when I do a car shoot, because I can then add to the detail, add to what I saw when I was taking the picture and hopefully show you exactly why I took it! 

I try and capture as much detail as I can when getting the photo I want, and that doesn't just mean the main subject, by that I mean that just because you've got a nice car it doesn't mean the photo will work, you need to bring everything together, everything needs to be right and interesting at the same time. It's all about the detail.

I still had a little hunt for peoples mascots on their car, just like the year before, there definitely weren't so many on display this year, but these are some of my favourites.

I once again found Sonic sat on top of the same Mitsubishi 3000GT as last year.

Now I've spent a lot of time recently preparing myself for my next car... researching and picking the best example I can possibly get. Seeing as it is going to be a member of the family of Nissan Skylines, also means I spend a lot of time photographing the various models and finding out what I like and don't like about them.

I am also lucky to have some good friends in the Skyline Owners Club, thanks to my trip earlier this year to Spa and the Nurburgring with them.

Firstly there is my friend Marks stunning 1200bhp wide bodied R32 GTR. Which is simply incredible.

There is also my friend Steves R32 GTR, which he has recently got hold of, and I was lucky enough to be taken out in this during the event, the speed and traction that these GTR's have is simply astounding, absolute monsters! 
This one is a car with a long racing heritage of its own, and is running around 550bhp, and I am happy to say that it will carry on being used for what it was built for seeing as Steve plans on tracking it!

Awesome cars :D I simply love them! 
Anyway even though my attention was towards these fantastic cars, there was plenty of other gorgeous metal on display during this years event, including some cars from other friends. 

Including this stunning UK Subaru Impreza owned by my friend Simon, which is running around 300bhp.

But there really was plenty of other impressive machines on display during the show, the show may not have been as big as in previous years, and at previous show grounds, but the quality of the content was definitely there! 
Some more of my favourites are here on display below.

Also definitely worth mentioning this next car I took photos of, from what I overheard whilst taking the time to shoot it, it would appear this is a one off custom project, to create what appears to be a modern version Nissan Stagea, incredible! 

A few other cars stood out to me a lot during this years JAE, I absolutely loved the colour on the following Honda Civic, it is just so different to the normal colours you see at car shows, and I definitely encourage it! Who says cars must be primary colours, time for some old school change :)

This next Mazda MX5 actually made me laugh, it was a bit of a state and that is I think what the owner was going for, but I really really liked what he had done with his front splitter, it was different and colourful! 

It looks like stickers? Or wall paper of some kind? I still love it though, very different! Talking about different, I also found this...

This Subaru Impreza looked lovely and standard from the outside, but I am so glad I poked my head in to see if anything was going on on the interior, this is one of my favourite shots I got too, something completely different to the usual carbon fibre trip people usually do on the interior. 

Very very cool :D

Was also nice to see what I imagine will be the first of many Honda CR-Zs at future JAE shows. This one was fully kitted with a Mugen kit, and looked rather impressive.

As I said earlier, it is all about the details with these cars to me, so time for some detailed and up close shots of various things that stood out to me during the show.

This next car is actually one of my favourites from the entire show, now I'm not usually a fan of Mitsubishi Evos, I think they are impressive machines, but as for photographing them I am not always keen to do so.

But this one... well its just stunning, I think its a combination of the colour and the carbon fibre! I love it! It shows I can't paint them all with the same brush and dismiss them all :D

I also managed to find my old car there too, I do miss my old MR2 Turbo, but I am happy it is with someone who is enjoying it and taking really good care of it!

I'll finish off with two cars that I found parked up all by themselves in a field at the show, and I thought it would be rude not to give them a bit of attention and get some shots! 

First off is this fantastic colour coded Honda Civic.

I especially liked the yellow Volk racing TE37s on that one, different and very cool in my mind. :)

The last car, and the second car I found parked up by itself in this field, is this stunning Toyota Supra! Absolutely gorgeous.

Well I hope you have enjoyed looking through my photos from this years JAE. I had great taking them, editing them and sharing them! Thank you for looking, and it also looks like JAE has found a central UK place to set its roots once more! 

Looking forward to next year! :D 

All my photos were taken in RAW format and edited and processed using Aperture 3.

The rest of the photos from JAE 2010 that I took, can be found on my Flickr set here: JAE 2010 Flickr Set

Or they can be view and bought from my main website @

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