Monday 11 October 2010

Something a bit different...

Last week my brother was over & he was telling me all about this amazing advert for a winter fashion/clothing collection, the company who put together the advert is "Zimtstern".

So anyway I'm always open to watching great videos, no matter the subject, and I can always appreciate good editing, so I thought I would check it out!

I was seriously impressed by this, I kept thinking afterwards, how did they do it? It just looks so smooth, and even though it doesn't appear to be the worlds most intricate video or involve the most technical of processes it still impresses me loads! 

So luckily, on youtube I also found the making of the video! Which answered pretty much all my questions on the subject, and showed me how much effort and passion the creative team put in to making this video happen! Awesome stuff :D

Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did! 

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