Friday 29 October 2010

Maestro Knows

There are blogs out there that I keep coming back to, some of them have content that I simply find interesting or amusing to read and check out, where as others deeply influence and inspire me, they have an effect on the way I deal with things in my own life and help me think through moments that happen to me and those close around me...

One of those blogs and its creators that I hold in such high regard is Levi Maestro from his blog Maestro Knows.

This guy is all over the internet, so I'm guessing that some if not all of you will have heard of him at some point during your travels on the web, if not then get acquainted and prepare to be impressed by a normal person doing what he does best.

His main site can be found at from there you can find his reach extends across youtube, Vimeo, Twitter and Facebook, as well as appearing on thousands of blogs maintained by people just like me.

The man is an inspiration to me, especially with some of his recent work, sharing with his fans how he has come to be what he is, and how he has never stopped believing in what is possible when you put your mind and energy into it. I love it, and I try and live by what I learn from his thoughts and videos.

So anyway the reason I've taken till now to write about him, is because his new video is just amazing, and I couldn't keep it to myself anymore, so everyone must see it! It's art as far as I'm concerned!

So sit back and enjoy Levi Maestro...

KILLING it SOFTLY from levi maestro on Vimeo.

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