Monday 25 October 2010

DSLRs leading the way...

It is amazing what you can do now a days to share stuff with others, filming, editing and broadcasting has become so much simpler as time has gone on, and as I said in a previous blog post this month, thanks to the creation of digital SLRs that allow for HD video, well the range of footage and video productions just keeps getting bigger and bigger!

I found some videos on Vimeo a few weeks back by a man called Tim Hahne, who is a director / film maker and producer from Germany, and the editor behind the short films I want to share with you guys today!

His vimeo page about him can be found here
And the company he represents is called Stereoscreen, and their website can be found here

As I'm pretty sure I've said before somewhere on this blog, the Germans have some real talent for film production! And this is honestly no exception.

I was recently over at the Nurburgring in June of this year, and I went to the new museum that they have built at the site, which is fantastic by the way! and well worth the visit! One of the things that really interested me about that museum was the hype they encouraged concerning the Nurburgring 24HR Race, the video they play you there concerning this is awesome, and in full 3d as well, very cool :D 

So I was looking around on Vimeo for some more exciting footage of the Nurburgring 24HR race series, and I stumbled across this by Tim Hahne and the company Stereoscreen. 

24 HOURS IN 19500 FRAMES from tim hahne on Vimeo.



It was just my brother and me travelling to the Nürburgring with two Canon 5d´s, four lenses and a tripod on the backseat. Intention was to capture the atmosphere, the tension and the incredible challenge for teams and drivers. Back home, the two of us did all the editing, sound design, color correction and artwork. Tracked graphics were done with the help of a friend. 


Filmed with Canon 5D MKII. Very slight color correction with Magic Bullet. Congratulations to the Schnitzer BMW Team! Watch this film also on​24h.

Here´s a track list:

The whole thing starts with "Hoppipolla!" by Sigur Ros. Then phenomenal Hecq with "Dayout". I also used "Holler" and "FdK". Hecq is incredible good to cut on and does a lot of sounddesign - check out his page... Cinematic Orchestra leads into the night with "Reel Life". I used also Architect with "Fast Lane" and "Pissed in the Morning". Télépopmusik with mellow "Don´t look back" for the night. Ben Folds Five "Brick" at 6 A.M. Last track is Gonzales with "The Tourist". Guess that´s it as far as I remember...


Absolutely amazing!!! I find it even more impressive when I learn that it was all done on a 5d Mk2 DSLR! I mean seriously that is just awesome :)

I love the way it was edited and the way the emotion of the teams and the drivers is captured, its easily on par with the video that you are shown at the Nurburgring museum about the 24HR race and I can totally understand why it did so well at the Canadian sport film festival! 

So once I found this, I started looking through Tim Hahne other videos, and I found a fantastic short advert style production he had put together for the Mercedes SLS.

BREAKING LAWS from tim hahne on Vimeo.


The Mercedes SLS. An industrial park. A hard-working cop. Shitty sunglasses. Ingredients for a fake commercial we did on a very, very hot Saturday with a Canon 5D and one bottle of water for catering.

Shot with Canon 5D MK II. 

Director: Tim Hahne
Camera: Thomas Nösner
Idea: Patrick Hahne
Music: Daniel Michaud


Again produced with a Canon 5D Mk2! and I love it! I'd say its better than the official advert for that amazing looking car! 

But then I found something else of his which just blew my mind, something that just shows this guy has some real creativity! And a real willingness to get you involved in whatever he puts together, I am seriously impressed and inspired! 

The video I'm hyping up is about New York, and I won't ruin it before you get comfy and enjoy it, but it is inspired by the sounds of a street musician alongside scenes from the bustling metropolis! 

So sit back, go to vimeo to watch it in its full HD glory, turn the sound up, and enjoy :D 

THE BEAT OF NEW YORK from tim hahne on Vimeo.

THE BEAT OF NEW YORK - A STEREOSCREEN PRODUCTION​stereoscreen​stereoscreen​timhahne

Thomas Noesner, our DoP, was in New York for a shoot of the new Mercedes R-Class. Right after the job, he took his camera and strolled through the busting streets of „The City“. While screening the pictures of a drummer in the tube station, I had the idea of creating a „remix“ of the recorded drum sequence to use it as a soundtrack for the film. That´s when our sounddesigner Toussaint came into play... We composed a track around the drum beat of this guy. Watch and listen to the beat of New York!


Mind blowingly good!!!! I love it, and I didn't even want to go to New York before, but since seeing that incredible film and showing me a slice of what I'm missing.... I want to go now :) 

As I've said before, I love Vimeo and other internet based publication sites for gems such as this, and I feel these people that spend the time to come up with the ideas, shoot the footage and then edit it all together so perfectly deserve every bit of recognition they can get!

Thanks for looking! 

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