Wednesday 10 November 2010

Awesome work of Joe Ayala

Joe Ayala is actually the guy I blogged about a few days ago that did the fantastic video with the tilt-shift lens.

His Vimeo page can once again be found here ;)

Well I feel some more of his work is definitely worth a mention!

First off there is this fantastic piece, which brings together some amazing footage of the USA drift scene, brilliant editing and an awesome track by the band AFI! Which all together results in an awesomely exciting bit of work!

Also I'm loving some of the cars in the current USA drift competitions! Stand outs for me are the red mk4 Supra that keeps popping up and of course Mad Mikes Red Bull sponsored RX8!

Formula D Irwindale | MotorMavens | The Prelude from Joe Ayala on Vimeo.

Pretty cool huh :) 

What I absolutely love is the different approaches to this motorsport that exist throughout the globe, everyone does it in their own way which is brilliant!

Another one of his videos that I really want to share is one of what looks like a drift day in a large open space, ok so its a lot more light hearted than the one above, but its still awesome to see people having FUN doing what they want to do with their cars in a safe environment!
I also think I like it due to the music :S quite a catchy tune :D

Drift Evolution "Fancy Footwork" from Joe Ayala on Vimeo.

Will definitely be keeping an eye on what else Joe produces!

Thanks for looking!!!

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