Tuesday 30 November 2010

Been busy...

Dan doing his thang!, originally uploaded by Tom Hickmott.

Sorry for the absence of attention to my blog the last week or so.

Been a busy time for me working on a few projects and doing lots of photoshoots of various stuff, so its been pretty cool and productive :D

anyway I was out doing some pics for a group of guys and their cars on Thursday, and my photographer friend Tom was there too, and he very kindly took the time to get some shots of me, which is just pure awesome for me to see!

Anyway just wanted to show I'm still here, and doing "my thang" as Tom put in his title :D

Toms photostream can be viewed here:

And this is what he has to say about this photo:

"These are a few final images for a project at college called 'people at work' I have chosen to shoot in Black and White for all of them because I just like the effect it gives off and the emotion you can capture!"

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