Wednesday 1 December 2010

A few things about me

A few things about me, originally uploaded by Dan Fegent.

This started out like most things as an idea, and has developed into a finished piece after much help to get it how I pictured it in my mind.

The idea my brothers & I had is to show a few of the things that really represent me, my 7d is my new best friend, as well as the few lenses on show in this shot, also anyone that knows me will notice I drink copious amounts of tea and like to dunk a few rich Ts every once in a while too ;) and my desk is always covered in prints from various shoots I have done, as I like to be surrounded by the final picture as I find that is often forgotten by us digital photographers.

So anyway this is me :)

It may not be perfect photographically, as a few areas are out of focus that may well have not been, and the area of extreme dark in the bottom right was planned so as to put in my URL for use as a banner, but I still love it, its pretty cool to see a few things that describe me laid out like this :D

This would not have been possible to do without the help of my brother Gavin Fegent whose talent with photoshop has put it all together to achieve what I saw in my mind when it was first thrown out there as an idea :)

His awesome photostream can be found here

And if you would like to see it in its full glory then head on over to my blog where it now proudly adorns the top of the page :)

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