Saturday 6 November 2010

A cake with a difference...

A few weeks back one of my closest friends set about making a cake, but not just any cake, this was going to be one modelled around a BMW 1 Series Coupe.

Reference picture taken from

His plan was to make it for a friends birthday and surprise her, which worked an absolute treat as it is one of her dream cars!

I didn't get too involved with this project of his sadly due to other commitments, but he spent a couple of days and around 12 hours in my kitchen getting it all together from scratch!

Just also want to point out that he had no experience with doing anything like this before he undertook this task, I was so impressed with the end result! Amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it :)

The attention to detail he put into it were awesome, the door shut lines, the clear glazing on the windscreen, the sculpted door mirrors, the lights, the trim, I could keep going but you get the idea! 

I apologise for the quality of the pictures, I was using my iphone for some reason :S should of made more of a fuss of it and done a little shoot but these at least show you the result of his hard work!

Looked amazing didn't it!? hehe the thing is I have no idea how it tasted... hopefully as good as it looked! 

Awesome to see someone do something outside of their comfort zone and pull it off, I found it very inspiring and I hope it some way it can help to inspire others!

Thanks for looking :)   

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