Wednesday 25 August 2010

Driving Time Lapses

A few years back while trawling through various videos on Vimeo, I came across this by Andrew Curtis.

Driving Timelapse 2.0 from Andrew Curtis on Vimeo.

Having always wanted to do something like this, I set about organising a go at it.
I wasn't expecting a great result from my first go, but I carried on working on the idea, and after a few trial runs and still lacking mountains of knowledge in how to do it properly, I had my own go :)

Quest for Icecream... (driving timelapse) from Dan Fegent on Vimeo.

Far from perfect I know, and nothing on the same scale as Andrew Curtis's one, but I am still happy with what I was able to achieve back then.

Keep meaning to go out and have another got at this, its been a few years since I did this attempt and well maybe another good would be a good thing, now that it appears summer is over, a new take on a project like this would be pretty cool :)

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