Wednesday 18 August 2010

Some serious Engine bay pimping for the Teg...

Ok time for an update...

Last week had some huge boxes from Tegiwa arrive... treated myself (and the car of course) to some new toys, seeing as it had had its big service I thought it would be rude not to have some fun with it ;)

So the following bits arrived...

Tegiwa Mugen Replica air box

Cooling plate

3 point front strut brace and matching rear brace

Carbon plug cover

Beaks replica rear bar

Magnecor ignition leads

various fancy screws and sunken washers from the Tegiwa line up...

Basically I tried my best to buy everything on their new website :P lol

We had some nice weather last week, so I took full advantage to get as much stuff fitted to the teggie as possible...

Only got two pictures of some of the new items as I opened them... was in such a rush to get them on....

Right first off... here is my engine bay as it was

Ok here are some pics of the fitting of everything, its a bit of a jumble with the order of the new parts going in, its mostly centered around fitting the new Mugen replica air box.

Anyway the pictures aren't all that great so I apologise for the quality :D But they give you an idea of how it all went into place :)

First of all, front bumper must come off for the easiest fitting of all the new bits.

Instructions on how to do that easily can be found here:

Then its a case of removing the old air box, resonator and silicone pipe, so as to give you as much room as possible to work with.

I couldn't actually believe how big the resonator box actually is! Massive thing!

This gave me plenty of room to put all the new bits in... so first off me and my friend swapped out the cam cover, and fitted the new leads and carbon plug cover...

Much better already!

Then as there was loads of room, ready for the Mugen replica air box to go on, I fitted the brake master cylinder stopper too...

Ok time to fit the air box into this space...

This bracket that used to support the standard air box, must be removed.

Its just two bolts, so should come off easily.

I have an ABS equipped car, and it does look very tight, so for safety sake I covered the ABS unit in bubble wrap until the air box was in properly.

Then me and my friend manoeuvred the new air box into its proper location.

This was very tight and took a few pulls and pushes to get it to sit right!

We did up the rear bracket first, to make sure it was all in line and rotated to the right place.

As that one is the least fragile of the two brackets (metal vs fibreglass), and then we did up the lower front bracket.

Screwed in fully

We then fitted the lower bracket brace, its connected via a jubilee clip included in the pack, and attaches to a bolt hole on the car, a hole which holds up the front drivers side arch undertray. didn't get any specific pics of this, but it does make sense when your under there!

We then went to fit the splash guard, if I'm honest, this is what confused me the most! So I've taken some pics of how the brackets fit to it and the chassis.

I then fitted the upwards snorkel intake bit... technical term ;) And put some duck tape around it to keep it in place as show here:

We then connected up the old silicone hose, double checked everything, and put it all back together :D

Once that was done we fitted the 3 point strut brace, that was a bit of a pain and required the car to be off the ground at the front with the top tower strut bolts un done, it then slipped into place nicely....

So the finished result is...

Oh and one quick one showing the Skunk2 socks I got on it too...

By the end of all this, I was rapidly running out of light.

So I didn't get round to doing any proper photos of the new engine bay look, that is still to come :)

I also didn't manage to get round to fitting the rear brace, or the rear lower beaks replica bar.

I will do that at the same time as the H brace most likely, which is still waiting to get fitted at some point.

As for these improvements I have just done, the car feels a lot better for it all! The air box has made the car a lot more drivable at lower revs, and really comes alive once in VTEC, going from OEM to this has really impressed me!

The front brace has all stiffened things up, and turn in does appear to be sharper, so I am happy with that also.

The brake master cylinder stopper has also tightened up brake pedal feel.

All in all, a productive day improving an already awesome car :D

Jobs to do:

- H brace

- lower bar

- plenty more Tegiwa screws and sunken washers to fit

- New brake pads to fit

- HEL braided lines to fit

- New discs all round

Its a never ending project hehe :)

Thanks for looking and reading!

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