Thursday 19 August 2010

Lots of new toys for the Teg...

By this point of ownershop of the Integra, plenty of jobs off my list had been done thanks to the gorgeous weather we were getting in the south during May, so all my preparation for the June Nurburgring trip was on course and looked like it would all be done in time.

So lets start with what I'd been up to...


Tegiwa Rear Lower Tie Bar

The last time I updated I had a go at doing this, but didn't really put my mind to it.

The main problem with this mod for an ABS equipped Integra is the fact that you have to move the ABS lines and their bracket.

On my car the ABS line brackets and their securing bolts were heavily rusted, so armed with this, I set about getting them off.

Here you can see the two bolts removed from the ABS line bracket.

Once this is done you have to remove the bolt from the lower rear control arm, this will then be the bolt that holds the lower tie bar in place once its all back together.

I used a jack to support the rear lower control arm, so that it didn't fall too much out of place of alignment for when the bolt goes back in.

Bolt removed.

I used some copper grease on this bolt, so it would get back in nice and easily and help me if I ever need to take it out again.

Ok then I set about fitting the lower tie bar in place, and moving the abs line bracket so that the tie bar could fit.

So now the bracket looks awkwardly bent in place, but its absolutely fine and has the same amount of play in the actual abs wire (held within the bracket) as it did before.

Just to be sure I cable tied the abs bracket to the original lower brace, this isn't really needed, but I just wanted to be sure.

Here are a few of it in place.

I personally love the look, and how much its on show, but as I've said, this is very much a show mod as far as I can tell, but I'm still happy it is finally on.


VAX session on the seats....

After the massive restoration attempt I did on the OEM recaros, my friend wanted to make sure I had got the best result by giving them another going over with his VAX machine.

For those that don't know, its basically a hoover with a water jet, fantastic bit of kit and really does tidy up old tatty looking interiors.

So the 1001 comes out again...

Can't recommend that stuff enough, its incredible for the price.

So we set about VAXing down the seats.

Then once they'd had a good going over we left them to dry in the sun.

So pretty pleased with what we'd achieved, they went back in the car.

However I've now become paranoid with getting them dirty... so seat covers were sourced from the forum and now atleast I feel they are protected.

Definitely worth all the effort!


New air freshner!!!! yay!!! cherry flavoured... ooooh yeh!!!

These things are potent... I warn you now hehe.


With the seats looking all fresh in the car, I had to lay the harnesses on them for a trial fit, and to see if they are going to look as good as they will be functional.

Works for me!

Need to get them attached in permanently soon pictures will follow of them fully fitted once I do.


Replacing of front and rear brake pads and discs.

I sourced all my new parts from Cambridge Motorsport, very helpful and ordered over the phone for them to arrive 2 days later. Definitely recommend them.

After doing hours of reading on the forums, I decided on the Hawk HP+ pads on the front, and the Hawk HPS pads on the rear with OEM blank discs all round.

Off with the old brakes.

When removing the two phillips screws that hold the disc to the hub, be very careful not to round them! If you have an impact screw driver then that would be ideal, and even if you round them with a standard phillips then don't panic (I did this) as an electric impact screw driver will still remove them.

Heres a picture of a really ghetto way of removing them though.

anyway on with the new front discs.

When putting it all back together and inserting the new pads, make sure to grease up the back of the pad with a thin even coat of grease, anywhere where the pad makes contact with the calliper, this will stop any squeal issues and should make the pads less noisy.

1000 miles later and mine are really not that squeaky, so it definitely paid off.

Now the rears

I had an issue with my rear discs, the old and the new were exactly the same size and width, however the mounting screw holes were not in the same place. As shown here.

I used the new discs all the same, as I didn't see a massive problem by not having the guidance screws in place once its all back together.

This is such an easy job to do though, but if you are going to do it make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get the job done.

My original brake setup was OEM discs, with EBC red stuff fronts, and OEM pads rear, so this is a MASSIVE improvement! I love it!

The car bites very hard now when braking and has made me feel much more confident in its braking ability! I would recommend this setup to any Integra driver.


New wheel bolts... yep that's right... wheel bolts hehe.

Sometimes its the little things that make the biggest improvement, my old black wheel nuts were looking a tad tired...

So a quick call to Julian at Rarerims and these were ordered along with the spacers required to fit them.

and here they are on the car.

Not every ones cup of tea but I am very pleased with them.


New Tyres.

Whilst ordering those wheel bolts, I was also sorted out with 4 brand new Hankook RS2s.

Thanks Rarerims!

Mobile tyre fitter came out, and the next day they were on.

New tread... yummy!


Spoon N1

I took a gamble on this one, I'd heard all the stories from many DC2 owners that these exhausts were awesome, but hard to live with... but thought well I want the car to sound good... so I bought one from a member on the forum from Greece, waited a while for it to be ready, then the ash cloud came along and delayed it some more... and then it arrived....

Possibly the oddest shaped parcel ever! The guy who delivered it was really worried by its shape and thought they may have broken it hehe.

I opted for the axle back for a few reasons, money was the first as I didn't see the point in spending a crazy amount on the exhaust and also it was the fact that my standard B pipe would fit fine.

So I unwrapped it fully and examined it.

It was in pretty good condition really, a few burnt plastic marks here and there, and a slightly dull finish, but nothing that the polisher couldn't fix... so on with the polishing!

Not bad for 30mns of polishing! So pleased with that, out with the old....

and on with the new...

and all I can see is WOW, the car sounds amazing now, yes it is very droney between 3-4k, but at motorway speeds 60 - 80 it really is not bad at all, my dad even said how surprised he was, and a conversation can easily be had at those speeds, as well as music being heard on the standard speakers, so I can easily live with it.

It is loud though to everyone outside, you will get a few nasty looks, but most people appreciate the fact its not just a nasty Big bore sound, its got that Honda noise that a lot of people crave.

Oh but I've still bought the Spoon silencer though... just in case.


Tegiwa VTEC solenoid cover...

Went to Japfest with money in my wallet... came back a bit lighter...


Tegiwa intake silicone hose.

Was hoping to have this to fit on day 1 with my Mugen Replica air intake, but sadly it was not available then, anyway happy to have it all in place now!

Benen front two hook.

I was slightly concerned by the placement of the Integras front tow hook, I know that if and when I do come off in the Kitty Litter the bumper is most likely going to take one hell of a punch, but I didn't want to make it worse by having it all pulled off if the original tow position was used... so I found some tow hook bling...

My plan was to fit it to the slam panel and have it poking through the front bumper, a much easier location to be towed from.

To do this I marked up where I wanted the tow hook, then removed the front bumper, and then the slam panel, so as to drill the holes.

I then had to cut away some the black plastic from the middle of the front bumper itself, so as to allow the tow hook to exit cleanly at the front and not be blocked by anything.

And there we have it, fitted.

Once it was on, me and a friend tested it out, and pulled it along my drive, worked a treat.

Hopefully won't have to use it... too often, but at least I feel a bit better about being towed from this point on the car now, oh and I like the look.


So it's been a pretty busy time with the car since the last update. Got a few other things ready to be done soon also.

New gauges have arrived also, I damaged the previous two during fitting, and sold them on, so I have replaced them with some very simple Swoosh gauges. Will do a write up of how they fit shortly.

Another job being done is the fitting of my HEL brake lines and MOTUL RBF600 brake fluid, sadly I won't be undertaking these jobs myself, didn't feel up for it as the old brake lines looked a state and I didn't want to strip anything.

So, Tom at TGM is doing it for me very shortly! Looking forward to it getting done, always love taking my car there as I know its in great hands!

Last time I updated a few people wanted to see pictures of the whole car, so here are a few shots of the car take on the drive over the last month or so.

Next jobs on the list before my June Nur trip are:

By me:

change gearbox oil.

Fit gauges.

Oil and filter change.


Brake fluid change.

HEL braided hoses.

Polyurethane engine mount inserts.

Right thats it for now, thank you for looking! And I hope you enjoyed another update!

If you have any questions about what I've done, or how I've done it, then feel free to ask and I'll try and help you if I can!

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