Sunday 15 August 2010

Some Caterham footage to kick things off...

Well I love Caterham 7 Sports cars... that's a trend that most likely will ring throughout my blog.

And well Mark On Europe which is a company run by my Brothers, deals entirely in Caterham rentals and package holidays involving the Caterham 7.

They had some videos made advertising the Caterhams, and I feel they just sum up the car beatifully, if you know what one is then you'll understand, if you don't and you've never heard or seen a Caterham then well this will give you a great Intro!

So anyway I just wanted to share with you the absolutely quality work that these videos are, and the fact that I feel they truly represent Caterham sports cars doing what they do best.

Fantastic cars, seriously some of the most fun vehicles I've ever had the opportunity to ride in and drive! I love them :)

anyway enough of my speel, hope you enjoyed the videos!

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