Monday 16 August 2010

Performance Car Magazine... ye shall be missed :(

You know we all have those magazines that you just love to read, editors and staff that simply make sense, articles that draw you in and pictures that leave you always wanting more.

Well for me it was Performance Car Magazine.

I was sad to see that they were shut down & basically replaced by EVO magazine, not to say that EVO is a bad magazine though, as it's brilliant, but simply different... if that makes sense :D

I was browsing the net earlier, as you do, and well I came across some footage taken by the guys at Performance Car Magazine when they took the Mark On Europe package to the south of France.

By package I mean they took a motorhome, trailer, and a Caterham of their own down to test it all out in some of the great driving roads on "Route Napoleon". 

This resulted in such a great write up for us in the magazine, that the article is now used as part of a brochure for when Mark On Europe is exhibiting at shows and so on.

So Anyway the footage is below, and gives a little taste to what a Caterham is and to the style that Performance Car magazine had with all their articles.

I still enjoy following most of the old Performance Car magazine team on Twitter, and I'm happy to see that they are still busy messing about with cars. 

Long may it continue for them! 

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