Thursday 16 December 2010

Caterham 175 Roadsport @ night

My brother is currently doing some photos to help advertise Mark On Europe and their Caterham 175 Road sport hire car. More info about the company can be found following the link below...

Anyway I think this shot is stunning and thats why I've chosen to show you all :) 

Even more impressive when you find out he's made his own soft box and light, maybe he'll share some pics of how he did it in the future, but for now enjoy :)

Mark On Europe, Caterham Roadsport 175

"This is a piece i am doing for Mark On Europe.
Yesterday was my birthday and today i just really wanted to get out and do a shoot! This idea has been bubbling for a while now and i finally got to do it tonight :)
All lighting credit goes to my brother Elliott. And a HUGE thanks to my dad for driving this beast of a car with no windscreen in the freezing cold to the location, wouldn't of been able to do it without you guys!
This shot was inspired by one of the first ever pictures i did when learning to use an SLR
I hope to get more photos up this week showcasing this car."

The original photo can be found on his flickr photostream here.

Thank you for looking!

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