Sunday 19 December 2010

Two driving machines...

Thought I would step back in time a year or so, to a little photo shoot I did at the back of some old barns, of what I believe are two classic drivers cars, cars that provide you with so much feedback you feel as if they will do exactly what they are told and you trust their handling characteristics completely...

These two cars are extremely different in many ways, but they have a lot more in common once you've experience them both fully.

So first off we have my old DC2 Integra Type R, considered to be one of the best FWD cars ever made.

A an extremely raw car, with a fantastic power band that truly excites with a torrent of noise and speed when driven hard. 

The handling on this incredible car is also predictable, and I found it drove with more poise and better handling at faster speeds, always encouraging you to take a bend that little bit faster next time... quite something :)

There truly is a wave of noise and a tremendous increase in pace once VTEC has kicked in at 5.8k Rpm, with the red line coming in around 8.5/9k! 

The tremendous support provided by the striking red Recaro seats in my old one made you feel all the more comfortable driving it as it should be driven! 

Anyway I best tell you about the other car that attended this little shoot of mine.

What possibly could compare to the best fwd drivers car ever??? Well its a RWD two seater... hear me out though as they have more in common than you may first think. 

So the car in question is a Caterham 7, a Roadsport 175bhp model to be exact, with an extremely powerful and torquey 2.0 Ford Mondeo engine. 

The handling feel that a Caterham offers is amazing, you literally feel connected to the road! 
The noise when the car is at wide open throttle is also incredible! It will stir the most sobre of people, and infuse energy and life into anyway! I defy you not to be impressed by what that car can do! 

Ok so one is a 4 seater, fwd, with air con and a radio... the other is a 2 seater rwd roadster with no air con... hey you should count yourself lucky you've got a heater in it ;)

So what have they got in common? 

Well both offer a true drivers experience, a true feeling of being one with the car! 
You get the noise, of which both can produce amply, and you get that fantastic feeling of actually being in control of a car and not the car being in control of you, either one is amazing, and yes one will suit someone more than another, I mean I couldn't live with a Caterham 24/7 but I didn't always enjoy living with my DC2 24/7 either. 

Both are fantastic machines at what they do, and that is pure driving enjoyment!

The pictures as I mentioned were done at the back of an old barn and the lighting was with the help of 2 hand held strobes fired using ebay triggers. 

Thanks for looking! 

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