Thursday 16 December 2010

Teaser - RenaultSport Clio 182

Been a great day, and my little shoot this evening has gone really well too :D 

Ok I've been wanting to learn more about lighting for a while, so I scoured eBay over the last few months so as to try and pickup at least 3 strobes.

Then I had to have my first go at lighting a car... luckily my friend Ellen put her Renault Sport Clio 182 forward...

Teaser - RenaultSport Clio 182, originally uploaded by Dan Fegent.

Anyway this is my first ever go at lighting car, and this is a teaser shot from the full set from tonights work, which should be up in full soon!

Heres the strobist info.

Strobist info:
1 x 580ex2 at front aimed at grill/badge
1 x 550ex aimed at front wheel
1 x 550ex aimed at the back of the rear bumpstrip.

Minimal post processing done in photoshop, a couple of stone chips have been removed and so have a couple of hot spots from one of the flashes.

Thanks for looking! Many more to follow from this night ;)

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