Thursday 16 December 2010

Macro side of life...

I recently got myself a Canon 60mm F2.8 Macro lens to use with my 7D.

Sorry for the blurry iphone picture here, but you get the idea ;)
Reason I really wanted this lens is because of sharp it is! And the reputation its gained itself for being a fantastic lens with amazing IQ, portraits, detailed shots or just its main macro use, all areas are covered! 

I absolutely love it, so the day it arrived I sorted out a little car shoot....

"Little" being the word :P 

So out came out my TVR Sagaris, a dream car of mine, and one of my Sackboys had to pose as my model, and what a fine model he made! 

I used a Canon 430ex to light these off camera left, synced by the 7D. (I absolutely love that feature, goodbye ebay triggers :P)

Anyway the background is a red sheet I had lying around, the same one used for the Integra Type R wrinkle red cam cover shot I got and blogged about a few posts ago.

I know these were only quick photos but the detail is awesome, I'm already amazed by what this lens can do!

Anyway as well as doing these photos, I thought I would do something a bit more Macro, so out came the monies for a close up shot.

What I really wanted was a 50p or a £1 coin, but coinage funds were low that evening... so on with the 20p and 10ps :)

The detail on that one actually blew my mind when I first got it in full size, absolutely incredible! What I also love is the lens picked up on how rubbish the finish on my desk is hehe. 

I can't wait to find more small things to photograph... more to follow :)

All the pictures can be viewed in their full size in my flickr set here.

Thanks for looking!

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