Monday 20 December 2010

The Caterham 7 @ The Nurburgring

A long time back, right near the start of this blog I shared with you all some videos of the Mark On Europe Caterham 7 Road Sport 175.

An absolute monster of a car and even more incredible when you think that you can actually rent it out for a day of fun yourselves ;) Details are all on the Mark On Europe site here.

My two brothers taking this car round the Nordschleife back in 2009! Pure awesome :D
Anyway this blog post isn't about advertising, this is about showing off great editing and footage! I am therefore very happy to be able to share with you some more work by the excellent film maker Chris Smith, who on a holiday with a few friends in one of my dads motorhomes and with the Caterham on a trailer behind put together some fantastic short films showing off the entire package!

I especially love the excitement and genuine fear portrayed in that of the Nurburgring footage that he put together, enjoy!

Pure awesome :D and I can't think of a better song to go with it either hehe, Top Gun soundtrack rocks!

Here is another video by Chris, which shows off their motorhome, could be of interest to people, and its really well put together so anyway enjoy!

I heard he could be putting together something about a trip he recently did to Spa-Francorchamps with the same package ;) so will blog that once its available! 

Thanks for looking! 

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