Tuesday 28 December 2010

Mans best friend...

These next few photos are all the work of my little brother Gavin Fegent, he's a fantastic photographer with a brilliant eye for perfection and detail, seriously worth checking out his work on his flickr, which can be found here.

I was looking through my brothers work the other day, and I absolutely love all of it, but for me some of his stuff really stands out, and it involves his best model, yep thats right its their dog Bruno :)

This gorgeous dog of theirs is quite frankly one of the nicest pooches I have ever met, he is so beautiful in every way, and so obedient, its incredible really!

He actually came to live with my brothers out of pure chance, he was about to be put down as the family that had him couldn't cope with a dog anymore and no one wanted him, luckily a conversation was overheard in a shop by my mum, and a few hours later Bruno was theirs, very awesome :)


So anyway I wanted to take this opportunity to show of my brothers fantastic photography skills, and show of a true example of mans best friend :)

Thank you for looking! 

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